I thought I had finished getting company, but the last couple of days I had a little more company show up. I was able to keep working while we talked so it turned out OK. I just finished uploading my photos so I could get them posted before I went back to work on the quilts.
I spent the last couple of days cutting out my patterns for the ravines that I want to put on the side of the mountains in the background. I ironed the patterns I had cut from freezer paper onto my fabric and used a white marking pencil to draw around each pattern piece. Then I cut out each piece of fabric for the ravines.
I have used three different green fabrics for the mountains and ravines. I am going to use a fourth fabric to make the highlights on the mountains I think. The sun is rising on the left side of the quilt so my highlights will be on the right side of the quilt and on the very top ridge of the mountains. Once I get all the pieces glued down I will over paint the fabric with acrylic fabric paints
Now that I have the first part of the full color quilt done I will start to work on doing the same thing for the black and white quilt.I have already cut most of the fabric pieces for the ravines for the black and white quilt. I will get that done today.
The next thing is to make sure the mountains, sun and moon are in the right place are put in the right place before I stitch them down.
I have to keep things organized and do a little at a time to make these quilts. Now that I am older I find I have to be even more organized and I can only do a little at a time. I used to work a lot more hours a day than I do now. I never really thought about how getting older would effect the way I work, but I sure think of it now.
I love making the quilts and to be able to work is a blessing. I find having something to do each day that is creative or something you love makes getting older not so bad or unnerving . Doing something you love is very important .
I am going to try a new design for my hanging sleeve for the back of the quilts. I bought a large piece of heavy duty stabilizer that I am going to insert inside a piece of fabric.
Here is a closeup of the fabric I am going to use for the back of the black and white quilt.
The two center photos show my first placement of the mountains and ravines.The second photo shows the high light fabric I want to put on the mountains. Nothing has been stitched in place yet and the pieces have been lightly glued down with a glue stick . I will move the mountains into place then stitch , add texture and paint them. Once both quilts are done to the same point I will move to the next step.
I am hoping to get the black and white quilt to the same place as the full color quilt today . I'll try to post Monday. I am sending prayers to the victims of Sandy.