I have been working away on the quilts. I have taken enough photos of my progress, so wanted to get them up before Thanksgiving Day get here. I know I will have to take the day off with all the cooking and visiting with friends and family. My guess is it may be a few days before I can post again. I got the mountains painted and I have started making the five Hibiscus flowers that will be going on the front of the quilts.
The tulle is pinned in place because that is where I will put my sun. I did the same with the black and white quilt. I am using watercolor pencils. One of my favorites is Prismacolor, but I also use regular watercolor pencils. You can buy them in different size sets. I bought some individual pencils because I use a lot of white. I am going to use Rit dye later on to color some fabric that I am using for the petals and I think I will use Rit dye to color the center of each of the flowers. I found out the other day when I was making my petals that I could get the same color using Rit dyes as I had gotten using Procion fiber reactive dye.