I have been working hard on my quilt hoping that I would be able to post today. Since I last wrote I have sewn the border gate around the garden area in the center of the quilt. I have also been able to get the brick area done . I used free motion stitching on both areas. The bricks have a good texture. I did a regular stitch to attach the gate around the garden.
I finished making the patterns which I used for the leaves and flower. My next step is to free motion stitch the top leaves, vines, and flowers that will be placed on the top of the quilt.
I bought some Wash and Gone to use to make the machine embroidered flower I am planning for the top of the quilt. Wash and Gone is similar to Solvy.
I am hoping to get this quilt done before February first. I want to enter it in a competition in Ireland. It will be the first quilt I have entered in a competition overseas. The first picture is a picture of the fabric I used to make my the pattern for my wild Iris, the leaves and stems. I also plan on making an couple of buds to go with the open flower. I found some very pretty batik fabrics to use for the flower. The stems are made from fabric I hand painted . I used batik fabric for the leaves. I will be stitching on the surface of the leaves before I attach them to the quilt then I will attach the leaves with a straight stitch. Once I got my flowers pieces made, I ironed the pieces to a piece of tulle which I had placed on top of a piece of parchment paper in which I had folded and placed my pattern. I will use a heated stencil tool to burn the tulle from around the edge of the flower. This will seal the edge and help me later when I am attaching my flower to the quilt.
The next picture is a picture of the steps leading into the garden . I made the steps from two cotton fabrics. I placed batting behind the steps so that when I attached them to the quilt and sew on top of them they will have more texture.