Yesterday I took a roll around my neighborhood and took a few photos of some of the trees that are beginning to bloom . The shrubs and other plants were putting out new leaves so it was a perfect day for taking photos.
When I start a quilt I like to gather tons of photos . Some I take myself and some I get on the net.
Having the photos helps me decided what kind of plants I will use in my quilt. The photos also help me decided color and shape of the plants I will use.
I am making a garden quilt.
I am very lucky to have a neighbor who is a master gardener and has some unbelievably beautiful flowers and trees. I asked if I could take pictures of some of his garden and he kindly gave me permission. It was wonderful to be able to spend some time in his garden taking photos. Not only does he grow beautiful trees and flowers he grow wonderful vegetables which he generously shares with me during the summer.
I want to have dogwood trees in the quilt I am making and my neighbor has some fabulous dogwood trees.
After I get pictures and decide which features I want to put in the quilt I make a black line drawing and start choosing fabric.
It takes me awhile to start a quilt , preparation takes allot of work.